Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare- The Field of Medicine is Being Revolutionized

Have you ever imagined getting patients all diagnosed by just placing them in a boxed chamber. Not only this but getting them all patched up and breathing too in mere moments, in spite of an almost non-functional heart? No?
Well, apparently Morten Tyldum (the director of the science fiction movie Passengers) did. He imagined this whole scenario, which despite looking mediocre, was the peak of epiphany. It proved the worth of artificial intelligence in the field of healthcare and medicine once again.
Artificial Intelligence in the Field of Healthcare
A question which must be disturbing the peace of our mind by now; can this level of expertise be achieved in healthcare through the digitalization of world?
Seeing, as many of the AI experts are of the opinion that by 2040, computers can be as smart as humans, it doesn’t seem so impossible anymore. Though, there is a long way to achieve such a prowess in the concerned field. Back in 2007, Edward H. Shortliffe, known as the pioneer of using AI in medicine, called artificial intelligence in the field of medicine as adolescente. We do hope that AI can become a full fledged adult in the coming future soon for the sake of humanity.
Artificial Intelligence which has now become a huge part of our everyday live is now being augmented in healthcare too. AI and automation are facilitating medical personnel’s with analytical techniques, along with the swift and exact availability of patient and healthcare data are revolutionizing this field with the help of modern machine learning. This is all influenced by AI apps, the support vector machine and neural network.
Data Analysis
One thing necessary to mention is that these automated solutions are not completely computer generated, but are actually human-formulated algorithms which are embedded in the apps. These algorithms assist in analyzing the data to recommend and make more efficient clinical decisions.
Machine Learning
Machine learning, which mostly comprises of neural networks, is inspired by the architecture of neurons in human brains. It analyzes more of the structured data like imaging and genetics. Mainly, the purpose is to try mimicking intellectual abilities of humans as closely as possible. The problems are judged on a multi-level data processing by simulating a human mind.
Deep Learning
Another variant, deep learning, allows the setting of visual tools which aids software in recognizing similar patterns, color combination and sizes to diagnose the diseases even on the cellular level.
Artificial Intelligence Devices For Healthcare
IA experts are always on the lookout to develop devices and software that can assist doctors in several ways.
IBM Watson
Through a double blinded validation study, this supercomputer is a turnkey AI technology to diagnose and treat cancer patients. Watson Health AI has been used to treat 115,000 patients all over the world and is trained in 13 types of cancers.
Deep Mind
This London based company -acquired by Google- is a part of the alphabet group and the leading provider of IA solutions worldwide. They are also experimenting and creating new applications to alert the doctors of patient emergencies and iatrogenic ailments.
Modernizing Medicine
It is a software repository where all of the medical facts and knowledge is collected and stored. In the case of rare diseases, doctors can easily analyze the available data and compare different regimens to procure the most affecting treatment. Moreover, it collects data from 3700 providers and 14 million patient visits.
Medical Robots
A wide range of robots are being productized ranging from surgical assistants to transportation robots. Robots are also being demanded for minimal and non-invasive surgical process and rehabilitation purposes. The value of robotics in medicine can be estimated by the fact that the medical robots market is expected to grow by 21.1% from 2016 to 2021.
More of the tech companies are coming forth to get in the rivaling business of AI medical technology. Hitachi, Dell and Apple are definitely the ones that can be expected to jump in the race for the title of ‘revolutionizer in the field of medicine’.
Concluding, we can say that the deployment of AI techniques and tools are rendering the medical knowledge more readily accessible, examinations more error-free, imaging and laboratorial activities faster, medical equipment more reliable, and diagnoses more precise. Real time conjectures can be made by the pre-entered data to assess the high risk outbreaks and health outcomes in the population.
Artificial intelligence is giving a helping hand to medicine, for sure. However, any fear of machines and AI surpassing their own makers seems baseless. At the moment, replacement of physicians with robot doctors remains as fictitious as ever.